Collaborating with other developers often means that not everyone is on the same side of the “tabs vs spaces” debate. I will spear everyone a rant on that subject. Let’s just say that I often find myself in a situation
Ubuntu / Debian – Remove all unused Linux kernels
Since release 18.04, Ubuntu only keeps the last three kernels in /boot and deletes the older kernels at each kernel upgrade. It keeps the latest kernel and the two previous versions that were installed and removes all the rest. To
How to fix VMware unable to install all modules vmmon vmnet
VMware needs to recompile the kernel modules after each kernel upgrade. We are all pretty familiar with this, since VMware requests module recompilation when launched after a kernel upgrade. In the vast majority of the cases that will go smoothly
Configure phpMyAdmin with a remote database
We have the following scenario: Server A runs a web server with phpMyaAmin, which connects to Server B. In this case we are using Debian packages, so Server A is assumed to be running Debian, Ubuntu, Mint or another Debian
How to export/import gnome-terminal profiles
You only need dconf to export/import gnome-terminal profiles. To export all gnome-terminal profiles run: $ dconf dump /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/ > gnome-terminal-profiles.dconf To import the exported profiles above, run: $ dconf load /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/ < gnome-terminal-profiles.dconf If you want to export and then
The Android SDK Manager fails to fetch the platform and tools list from Google
If you get the following error message when launching the Android SDK Manager: Failed to fetch URL, reason: File not found most likely the owner/permissions are not set correctly for the ~/.android directory. This error message is very confusing
Find out what DNS requests are made in real time via command line
Since all DNS requests are over port 53, we can use the raw tcpdump utility and just look at the packets on that port: tcpdump -vvv -s 0 -l -n port 53 Someone took the extra step to write a
Batch scale images to a particular size
First install imagemagick: sudo apt-get install imagemagick Then CD into the directory containing the images and make a new directory that will hold all the re-sized images. In this case I called it resized: mkdir resized Then run the command
Change the date and time (or any other EXIF image meta-data) of pictures with Ubuntu
There is a very flexible and easy Linux tool that helps you change the EXIF meta-data of images. It allows you to change individual files or whole bunch of them with one command. You can also put different rules about